In Austria, one Funder has 2 accounts with amount of 400m Euro and 420m Euro respectively.
Total amount is 820m Euro
The funder can provide as below:
1) Country: Austria
3) Account name: ****
4) Passport number: ******
5) Account number: a) *******
b) *******
6) Enter password: **** (two accounts holding with the same password) и
7) Release code:
8) All the authority under: ***
9) Passport number:*******
This is the full info with the final
IBAN: AT511200000087357843
Paper form: AT51 1200 0000 8735 7843 IBAN into the clipboard
BIC: BKAUATWWXXX (Wien) BIC into the clipboard
Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Rothschildplatz 1
1020 Wien
SEPA Credit Transfer is supported.
SEPA Direct Debit is supported.
B2B is supported.
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer is not supported.
IBAN: AT711200000008467674
Paper form: AT71 1200 0000 0846 7674 IBAN into the clipboard
BIC: BKAUATWWXXX (Wien) BIC into the clipboard
Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Rothschildplatz 1
1020 Wien
SEPA Credit Transfer is supported.
SEPA Direct Debit is supported.
B2B is supported.
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer is not supported.
IBAN: AT511200000087357843
Бумажная форма: AT51 1200 0000 8735 7843 IBAN в буфер обмена
BIC: BKAUATWWXXX (Wien) BIC в буфер обмена
Банк: ЮниКредит Банк Австрия АГ
Ротшильдплац 1
1020 Вена
Кредитный перевод SEPA поддерживается.
SEPA Direct Debit поддерживается.
B2B поддерживается.
Есть логены и пароли как вывести?
Total amount is 820m Euro
The funder can provide as below:
1) Country: Austria
3) Account name: ****
4) Passport number: ******
5) Account number: a) *******
b) *******
6) Enter password: **** (two accounts holding with the same password) и
7) Release code:
8) All the authority under: ***
9) Passport number:*******
This is the full info with the final
IBAN: AT511200000087357843
Paper form: AT51 1200 0000 8735 7843 IBAN into the clipboard
BIC: BKAUATWWXXX (Wien) BIC into the clipboard
Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Rothschildplatz 1
1020 Wien
SEPA Credit Transfer is supported.
SEPA Direct Debit is supported.
B2B is supported.
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer is not supported.
IBAN: AT711200000008467674
Paper form: AT71 1200 0000 0846 7674 IBAN into the clipboard
BIC: BKAUATWWXXX (Wien) BIC into the clipboard
Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Rothschildplatz 1
1020 Wien
SEPA Credit Transfer is supported.
SEPA Direct Debit is supported.
B2B is supported.
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer is not supported.
IBAN: AT511200000087357843
Бумажная форма: AT51 1200 0000 8735 7843 IBAN в буфер обмена
BIC: BKAUATWWXXX (Wien) BIC в буфер обмена
Банк: ЮниКредит Банк Австрия АГ
Ротшильдплац 1
1020 Вена
Кредитный перевод SEPA поддерживается.
SEPA Direct Debit поддерживается.
B2B поддерживается.
Есть логены и пароли как вывести?